
《你好,中国》( Hello, China ):74 Chinese Tea-(茶)

Love English 2 2022-12-23

Hello China 英文版《你好,中国》是由中国国家广电总局主办、中国国际广播电台、高等教育出版社联合策划实施的大型多媒体系列文化项目。本分享视频来自腾讯视频,版权归原作者所有,本分享旨在学生英语学习。

Hello China 英文版《你好,中国》选取了100个代表中国传统文化精髓的汉语词汇,从不同侧面反映中国文化的博大精深。

Tea, cha, is the beverage most representative of Chinese culture.

Proper etiquette dictates the guests are treated to cha. Many outstanding Chinese poems were created in the company of cha. Originating in China, cha is divided into green tea, black tea, yellow tea, dark tea and white tea, according to its colour.

The procedures for drinking cha are delightful. Cha, water, wares and fire are indispensable when making cha. The shape, colour and fragrance of cha are quite important. The water should be clear and sweet. The fire should be clean without odour. The chinaware and purple clay tea sets are widely used.

People feel closer to nature by drinking cha.


1.beverage [ˈbevərɪdʒ]  n.(除水以外的)饮料
bever 喝 + age 集合名词,总称 → 饮料
Alcoholic beverages are served in the hotel lounge.
知识点:beverage可以分为两种Non-alcoholic Beverages(Soft drinks) 和Alcoholic Beverages(Hard drinks).
Alcoholic Beverages(Hard drinks): Wine(白酒), Brandy(白兰地), Whisky(威士忌), Vodka(伏特加), Rum(朗姆酒), Tequila(龙舌兰), Chinese Spirits(白酒)
2.dictate [ˈdɪkteɪt]  v.口述;(尤指以令人不快的方式)指使,强行规定;支配;摆布;决定 n.命令;规定
dict 说;断言 + ate动词后缀 → 说话 → 口授
He dictated a letter to his secretary.
3.procedure [prəˈsiːdʒər]  n.(正常)程序,手续,步骤;(商业、法律或政治上的)程序;手术
pro 在前 + ced 行走,前进 + ure 名词后缀 → 前面经过的〔历程〕→ 程序
emergency/safety/disciplinary procedures
紧急状况 / 安全事务 / 纪律问题的处理程序
4.delightful [dɪˈlaɪtfl]  adj.使人快乐的;令人愉快的;宜人的
delight [dɪˈlaɪt]  n.高兴;愉快;快乐;令人高兴的事;乐事;乐趣  v.使高兴;使愉快;使快乐
de 离开,分离 + light 引诱,欺骗 → 诱人的,使愉悦
a delightful book/restaurant/town
5.odour [ˈoʊdər]  n.(尤指难闻的)气味;臭味
the stale odour of cigarette smoke


《你好,中国》( Hello, China ):73 Tulou Building-(土楼)

《你好,中国》( Hello, China ):72 -Alleyway(胡同)
《你好,中国》( Hello, China ):71 Courtyard-(四合院)
《你好,中国》( Hello, China ):70 Family-(家)
《你好,中国》( Hello, China ):69 Chinese Names-(姓名)
《你好,中国》( Hello, China ):68 Tofu-(豆腐)

《你好,中国》( Hello, China ):67 -Ethnic Groups(民族)

《你好,中国》( Hello, China ):66 Fish-(鱼)

The Tree House


